
Single Momularity

Yes, Momularity. I just made up that word. It's a word that means the act of being a mother in a specific situation. In this case, in singleness. And it is hard work. I have a much greater respect for single mothers. Especially single mothers without a car. For me, my radius from my apartment here in maryland is a grand total of 1.5 miles with Logan. (further if I'm running and he's fallen asleep) but yes. 1.5 miles in one direction with our destination at the end is my son's limit and that's with taking him out and carrying him for the last .25 of the trip. Oh well, strong muscles right? I have to say tho. That with taking care of a house, the bills, and a son there isn't any time for me. I'm gonna be honest here. I'm lucky if I can change out of my pajamas for the day. Thank goodness for naps and Sesame Street. They give me an hour to catch up on dishes. So, here I am at 12:00. Still up, not wanting to go to bed and thinking... I have to get up in the morning hopefully Logan will sleep till 8. The house is quiet now tho. Logan is in bed and I have the living room all to myself. It's nice. I guess that's why I'm staying up.
I finally picked up a pencil and began drawing again today. First time since graduation that I actually just doodled. The picture kinda tells a lot about how I'm feeling in life and I didn't even realize it until I was done and looked at it a minute.

Yah that explains how my life is now... But no, I do not have a cat.
Well, I guess I better get some shut eye for the time being. Goodnight.
Love you.

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