
Post Storm

We made it through the storm. We were so blessed and so lucky that we never lost power. It got scary monday night through tuesday morning and ended up moving Logan into our room. The wind was beating his side of the house so bad. He couldn't sleep and I was scared his windows were going to break from the wind or from something hitting into it. Thank goodness we aren't on the ground level so we didn't have to worry about flooding. There is a new river running through the gully by our house along with a small lake and a couple of large trees blown over. Luckily the keep those away from our apartments. It's still rainy but no wind and it's icy cold. Prayers going out to those who are a lot worse off than we are.
Now onto Halloween. Logan is an adorable little tiger. And I'm a lil less adorable Pirate. Haha I think I did pretty well for only going with what I could find in my closet. We had a blast trunk-or-treating on Saturday before the Storm came in. Now, I'm feeling Holiday depression. Yes, Halloween Holiday Depression. HHD I'm calling it. I wish I could be home trick or treating with Logan in my parents neighborhood. I guess it's mostly just because I always figured that's what I'd be doing. Dressing up and taking my kid out for their first Halloween. Instead I'm going to dress Logan in his costume, make dinner and maybe we'll get some trick-or-treaters. I bought candy just for it. We will see. I don't mean to be a sad-sack or anything it's just... you start to realize what your dreams were when you can't have them anymore.
On a lighter note, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! here is an adorable picture to send you off with :)



In the middle of Hurricane Sandy right now. Doing well, still have power. Will write a little more later.



So, It's 12:13. I should really be in bed. I should, but I don't want to. So I'm out here in the Living room watching Jay and waiting for Jimmy Fallon. It's kinda sad when you don't want to go to bed. Maybe I'll do some more laundry. But then my neighbors could get mad. Better wait. So we have a hurricane coming right for us. Hurricane Sandy. Apparently she's a super storm. I guess cause she's combining with an arctic low or something and therefor she's stronger and we'll see how long we go without power. Got things ready for it tho. Logan and I went shopping and got milk and baby food. Then I filled some water jugs and froze a milk carton just in case we need to move stuff out of the freezer and into a cooler. Needless to say I'm pretty awesome and prepared. My grandpa isnt doing well. He had a heart attack, stroke and a bunch of stuff. It's kinda sad when your grandma tells your mom that grandpa is scared of dying. Then again, it's also kinda comforting to know that I'm not the only one. I've already decided that I'm never going to die though so I'm good.
You know what's hard? Doing all this work and then having it get undone. (and not by your 10 month old son like you would think). okay, I'm done venting about that.
I wish I was back home with my mom for tonight. My dad is camping and I have no idea where my brother is or what he's doing (he's a whole nother story). My mom and I would usually have girls nights on nights like tonight. We would go out and get chinese and watch a chick flick. Instead we are on opposite sides of the country lonely. At least we got to call each other. I love my mom.
I made bread the other day. That was pretty much awesome! I think that's how I'm going to be doing things from now on. I loved it! Not only did I have hot yummy thick homemade bread to put gobbs of honey and butter on but my house smelled like great harvest. (those of you who don't know what that is, it's an amazing bread store) needless to say one loaf is gone and I'm working on the other one. (I'm thinking I'm going to be making a lot of bread but it's more delicious, healthier (or at least to me), and cheaper than store bought bread. You know what? I think i'm going to go and have a piece right now. Nothing better than a midnight snack. YUM! Trunk or treating tomorrow for Logan. SO excited :)


I had an amazing time with my mom and one of my best friends this past week! here are some pictures....

As we can tell. We had an awesome time. Here is a list of things we did:
Picked up my mom
next day, we picked up Shay
Went to Inner Harbor. Visited the Barnes and Noble giant store and decided to take a Water Taxi. From the Water taxi, we went exploring and found Fells Point, took another water taxi and went exploring more of the harbor. We lucked out and got a taxi all to ourself and had a guy as captain who use to be a tour guide and he was awesome and took us around more than i think he was suppose to. (like to extra places and what not). We saw where Michael Phelps lived, some Navy ships, a sugar factory, tons of stuff. We then went back to Fells Point and were starving. So we went to a pub. Yes, a pub. It was awesome and delicious. It was both mine and logans first pub experience. Then we headed back and explored more of the inner harbor and Little Italy. (which is way cool)
We went to my friend Brittany's house down in virginia and she was super nice and drove me, shay, my mom, and logan into DC. We went and saw the american flag (the first and great) in the American History Museum and then went and checked out the Museum of Natural History. You pretty much need a whole day to do each museum because there is so much to see. It was pretty awesome. I loved the butterfly exhibit. you got to go onto a room full of real butterflies. nothing makes a day better than a butterfly landing on you. Well when we got out of the museum it was pretty much sunset so we grabbed a soft pretzel (YUM!) and headed to the monuments. It was such an awesome thing to see those beautiful monuments at night. My ultimate favorite is the Lincoln. It's so inspirational and they finally had the reflection pool back and running so we got to see that.
My mom, Logan, and I went to Fort Mchenry. It was pretty neat. To see where an important part of American History took place is amazing. I love America. It was so cool to watch them do a flag change there as well.
We went to the aquarium. This was everyone who was in our group: Me, Logan, Mom, Shay, Brittany, Tony and Jack (brittany and Tony's son). They had a deal where you can go to the aquarium on a friday night after 5 for only 12 dollars. (it's usually 30 so it's amazing)We had a blast and my mom bought Jack and Logan little Nemo fish for her birthday. It was super sweet and they loved them!
After the aquarium I made the mistake of trying to show off the city to my mom and shay at night. Yeah.... ended up in the complete ghetto where there are cameras and boarded up houses, and a possible crime at a McDonalds. That was a LONG drive home. Luckily we made it safe.
Next day it was a hard goodbye to mom and The rest of us headed down to the inner harbor on the Metro to the Harbor Harvest. Logan and Shay picked out a pumpkin which we later painted. (yes i let logan paint his own pumpkin by himself. good idea? yes. next time tho i will for sure be more prepared) anyway. there was also a petting zoo and we explored more of the city. Saw an indian wedding and walked around little italy. Super cool.
We had an amazing time and I absolutely loved getting out of the house with y'all. Oh man was it awesome.


Little man and Lonliness

My little man is starting to walk! I can't believe it!! He took 3 steps in a row today. Everyday he gets better and it's so fun to see him improve and how happy he gets when I praise him and he knows he's done something well.
When Logan goes down for bed that's when I realize how lonely it is. How lonely it is to be alone. You can only clean the house for so long before there is nothing left to clean. I sometimes leave things to be done because I know the loneliness comes in stillness. It's hard to be alone with your thoughts.
Poor little guy is sick. He's been up with mucus and coughing. I put some oils on his toes which helped and put some in the humidifier. This weather and humidity out here is killing us. It changes so fast and when it changes, it changes. I'm hoping Logan can sleep through the night and get a good nights sleep because Grandma is coming tomorrow! :) He's been blessed with his nana and papa this past week who spoiled him of course. This poor kid (and poor mama) won't know what to do when everyone leaves. I guess we'll go back to weekly stroller rides to the grocery store and short walks around the parking lot to get the mail and take out the garbage.


This song spoke to me yesterday. I haven't had a lot of time to write unfortunately but it has been for a good reason. We've had family out to visit and have more coming tomorrow for a week. It was really good to see some familiar faces. I love my family! They helped so much. I'm also really excited to see my mom and one of my best friends Shay this week! The only thing I'm not looking forward to is saying goodbye. It's so hard to watch them leave and know you won't see them for a while. I can't wait to come home in a few months. Goodbyes are the hardest part. "I wont say goodbye, Just see you later."


My Buddy

This is my buddy. We have a blast together. He's such an amazing young man, as if you didn't know that from all of my past posts. He reminds me of everything good in my life that I have and that I use to have. I actually got ready for the day today. This includes my hair done, makeup on even lipstick. (I never wear lipstick but I'm thinking I like it.) So, here are some pictures from us being a little crazy today.
me trying to be a model haha

yah I don't think I would make it on Top Model

See?! I got put together today :)

Now some of me and my boy! AKA the good ones