
to logan

we can't wait to meet you. whenever that may be. you're so special to us and we love you so so much. i already have such a great feeling about the kind of person you are going to be. i already know that you are amazing and we are so excited to have you as a part of our family. Remember that mommy and daddy love you and will love you forever and always.
Love, Mom and Dad



so i am totally hoping logan decides to come into this world soon. (yes i am only 37 weeks, almost 38) He's full term and we are so happy about that! especially after all of the scares we had earlier this trimester. I keep thinking he's going to come that day and then he doesn't... i can't tell if it's my body saying it's going to be soon so you better get ready or if it's just wishful thinking. I've also been having contractions every hour the last couple of days as well. my biggest fear is that i won't know i'm in labor and that just wouldn't be good. I'm just so excited for our little man to get here!!!!! it's so weird that the second i'm in labor and have this baby everything is going to suddenly change.... so crazy but so exciting.



So, Yes i am pregnant. OBVIOUSLY! (I am suppose to be working on a paper but come on, who wants to do that) I have officially gained 40 LBS! LUCKILY!!! it doesn't look like it. Except now i can see it a lot in my face, the back of my hips, thighs and of course belly. I'm just glad that it has been an all over gain so i don't look completely huge. I can't wait to work out again. Even if it's just zumba on the kinect or just dance on the wii. That's all i want. to be able to move again and get back in shape! this is the most sedentary i have been since... well my whole life. AND IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!!!! Luckily this will all be worth it. then we can have a little guy i can take with me to do all this fun active stuff. OH CAN'T WAIT!


being pregnant

Being pregnant has got to be the most beautiful, awkward thing in the whole world. i feel beautiful, fat, ugly, happy, sad, annoyed and completly at peace all at once. Yes sounds crazy, but so are my hormones. I have to admit that i wish i could workout. I am literally going through sit up withdrawls. I am, however, completely okay with it. Why? because i get to have a baby. There will be plenty of time to get in shape after Logan gets here. This is the greatest time of my life :)