

yes, baby banks is here! my water broke at 9:30 december 9th got to the hospital by 9:45 parents got there by 10:00. labor wasn't progressing so i was finally started on potocin at 5:00 a.m.got my epidural at 8:30, i stayed dilated to a 2 until 2:00 p.m. by 5:00 i was barely at a five. i had my mother rub my feet with lavender oil just like spencer had done for me. at 5:15 i looked at spencer and said, i feel like i need to push but i'm not sure. luckily spencer talked me into calling the nurse in to get checked. sure enough, i was at a 10 and he was ready to be born. we did rest and decend which allowes the baby to move farther down by itself so it's less pushing later. we started pushing at 6:45 and finally after 21 hours of labor he was born at 7:20 p.m. saturday december 10th. i think the greatest part was when we were pushing and spencer said, "oh honey he's so cute!" that right there made me so happy!
now he's a week old and we have gotten better at figuring out how to sleep, how to keep him from peeing on everything when we change his diaper (took many loads of laundry later to figure it out), what he needs when he cries, and above all just better at getting use to having another little person in our family who depends on us for everything. i worry tho that its going by way to fast! his eyes are already open more and he's starting to make faces that almost seem like they are on purpose. i really want to cherish every moment cause now i think i realize that i'm never going to get these moments back more than ever.
i am so greatfull for this experience and for the opportunity to be a mother. i looked forward to this time my entire life but it never really felt like it was really going to happen and now that it's here, it still doesn't feel real. our little boy has already taught me so much and has increased my testimony. i am so greatful for this experience i get to have in this life. our little boy is amazing and so incredibly cute! we love him so much!


excited to see what our man looks like! :)

so recently, since the day Logan is going to be born is drawing near, i have been constantly wondering what he is going to look like. SO! here are some pictures of me, spencer and logan. I think logan is going to look like spence.


to logan

we can't wait to meet you. whenever that may be. you're so special to us and we love you so so much. i already have such a great feeling about the kind of person you are going to be. i already know that you are amazing and we are so excited to have you as a part of our family. Remember that mommy and daddy love you and will love you forever and always.
Love, Mom and Dad



so i am totally hoping logan decides to come into this world soon. (yes i am only 37 weeks, almost 38) He's full term and we are so happy about that! especially after all of the scares we had earlier this trimester. I keep thinking he's going to come that day and then he doesn't... i can't tell if it's my body saying it's going to be soon so you better get ready or if it's just wishful thinking. I've also been having contractions every hour the last couple of days as well. my biggest fear is that i won't know i'm in labor and that just wouldn't be good. I'm just so excited for our little man to get here!!!!! it's so weird that the second i'm in labor and have this baby everything is going to suddenly change.... so crazy but so exciting.



So, Yes i am pregnant. OBVIOUSLY! (I am suppose to be working on a paper but come on, who wants to do that) I have officially gained 40 LBS! LUCKILY!!! it doesn't look like it. Except now i can see it a lot in my face, the back of my hips, thighs and of course belly. I'm just glad that it has been an all over gain so i don't look completely huge. I can't wait to work out again. Even if it's just zumba on the kinect or just dance on the wii. That's all i want. to be able to move again and get back in shape! this is the most sedentary i have been since... well my whole life. AND IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!!!!!!!! Luckily this will all be worth it. then we can have a little guy i can take with me to do all this fun active stuff. OH CAN'T WAIT!


being pregnant

Being pregnant has got to be the most beautiful, awkward thing in the whole world. i feel beautiful, fat, ugly, happy, sad, annoyed and completly at peace all at once. Yes sounds crazy, but so are my hormones. I have to admit that i wish i could workout. I am literally going through sit up withdrawls. I am, however, completely okay with it. Why? because i get to have a baby. There will be plenty of time to get in shape after Logan gets here. This is the greatest time of my life :)



Many people ask me why we are going to name our son Logan. It all started when me and my husband (then boyfriend) went to see X-men legends wolverine. Spencer turned to me and said, "what about the name Logan?" I LOVED IT!!! it also had a lot of meaning too. it was our first midnight movie, we are both fans of super heros, Logan is the city where we both went to school, where we both met, and on my side of the family it's where my grandma and grandpa were married and where my grandma and grandpa are from. So as you can tell it's a pretty meaningful name for us. Logan Spencer Banks. Can't wait to hold him in our arms! :)



So it's officially 11:40 on a Friday night. what am I doing you ask? Out partying? nope! Me and my wonderful husband are sitting on the couch together watching veggie tales. Childish I know but lets be honest. I've never really felt like I've grown up. To be honest I don't ever want to "grow up". Yes I know we are having a baby but to be honest, I'm really looking forward to having another person to play with. Me, Spencer and Logan are going to have so much fun! painting outside, playing pretend, playing sports, swimming and running ourselves tired! I'm so excited to watch sesame street and arthur. Yeah for staying young!!! :) :)



This is a formal apology to my wonderful husband. I know I have been totally crazy since this pregnancy thing. My moods change so extremely fast and the majority of the time I don't even know why. My husband though, he is my rock. He is my steady person in this crazy time. Oh I love my husband! I know he doesn't understand me when I don't even understand myself nor my logic. He always remains calm and hugs me when I need it and cuddles me when I suddenly burst into tears. He is so loving and I couldn't have asked for a better husband. Such a wonderful man whom I'm blessed to be with for all of eternity. I LOVE YOU SWEETY!!! MUAH!



Best news of the day! We have a dishwasher!!!! Ever since we got married we haven't had a dishwasher, everything we had to wash by hand. With a baby on the way there was NO way that we were going to wash baby bottles by hand. (we would if we had to but man we didn't want to). I am SO SO SO happy for a dishwasher. I completely took it for granted when I lived at home and in my apartment my first year and a half up at school. NEVER AGAIN!


yah i need to get better at writing

our little man is getting so big! it's so hard to believe how much he's grown already! oh that's right, i forgot to tell y'all WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!!! just what we wanted! we are so happy! he kicks and squirms so much! oh how i love the feeling :) spencer put his head on my stomach the other day and logan (what we are naming our son) kicked his face. the other night after i had fallen asleep i guess spencer had his hand on my stomach and logan kicked really really hard. I think it was his way of father son bonding through the womb. We are so excited for this little baby. I don't think i can wait another 3 months! we have the changing table all set up and a dresser too. We even bought cute lil outfits for him. Logan is already spoiled! Grandma Susan buys him lots of clothes and soft blankies! he also got a blankie and burp clothes from Nana Banks too. And my neighbors from back home, the cravens (LOVE EM!), made him a little blankie to go in the crib! I just can't wait to snuggle little Logan and rock him to sleep and smell the new baby smell and have him here in our arms. I know it's going to be hard work but I really have a strong feeling with him. (I'm sure I will feel this way about all of my kids) I know he's going to grow up to be someone wonderful and so strong! I, myself, hope for him to be so much like his daddy Spencer. I want people to see my son with my husband and say, "he looks just like you." *with a lil of mommy in him too lol This little boy, our little boy, is going to be an amazing person. someone who is kind and gentle, shy but with a personality, deep eyes that melt your soul and hands that melt your heart. I can't wait for you little Logan. Mommy and Daddy (and everyone else) can't wait to meet you! December can't come soon enough but I'm going to try and enjoy being pregnant and having our little moments now because this time in life only comes once. I am so grateful for this experience. I always wondered if I would have the opportunity to bear a child. Now that it's here it's so hard to believe. It really is the best time in the world. The time when you get to become a mom. no matter how fast it happens. Being a mom is wonderful and I can already tell that I am going to Love it!!!



This is our little baby!!!! i can't believe it! there is nothing like sitting in the ultrasound room thinking you're going to see your baby for the first time ever. I have to say that i was sitting there doubting there was really something inside of me. Suddenly the image comes up on the screen and there it is. this little glob that could maybe be made into a person in a way. But oh how my heart leapt knowing that everything was fine. hearing the heart beat was so wonderful. There was a little human inside of me. inside of me! I still can't believe it. My husband and I are so blessed and so thankful that we have this opportunity to be able to bring a child into this world.



I have been so lazy lately and i realized i haven't even written on here for almost a whole year! well a lot has happened since then... while i'm not going to write everything since i have to get ready for work i will state the biggest and bestest new thing that has happened to me. I'M GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so scared but so dang excited!