

So I am starting to be a health-nut (trying is a better word). I don't eat hardly any meat anymore. So I've cut out a lot of meat, no longer drinking milk and trying to eat organic. I don't know if it's really better for you but in all honestly I feel pretty good. (don't get me wrong, if I get the opportunity I'm still going to have a steak or hamburger... no cheeseburger.) But I made the mistake of getting two Mcdoubles today. (no onions as usual) and so by the middle of the second one I started smelling the beef... started actually feeling like I was eating a cow. (I mean it, it tasted like farm and I would know, I grew up on a beef ranch.) So that put a damper on my meat splurge.
On a lighter note, I saw a deer today. Not just one either. It had two little babies following it. So cute. Ok well, here is some pictures of my perfect little boy

He loves his sunglasses.

Look how big he is getting! love this kid.

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