

Okay, I will admit it. I love glee. Music has so many....things... in it. it's like music and the arts can talk to you on so many different levels that normal conversation can't express. It produces this feeling that I can only describe as a train hitting you head on and ripping of an outer shell of yourself to reveal some super hero inside that is ready to burst into song. (wow deep right? feel free to roll your eyes here) I don't know if it's something wrong with me but I've heard it's a symptom of A.D.D. but I get so into movies and Television shows that sometimes I feel like I'm in them. (Ask my friends, I'm either the greatest person to watch something with or it's worst enemy) ANYWAY! This past episode of glee I understood immensely... I feel like Rachel in New York. She said exactly how I am feeling. So thank goodness for pop culture and their ability to put feelings into words. Well, Goodnight.
I Love You

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