

So, we made it to Baltimore and so did all of our stuff. For the most part in one piece. Logan was amazing on the plane and slept the majority of the time. He has a great demeanor. It has been wicked hot and humid the last little bit but today I walked outside and we have officially gone into Fall weather within a day. Thankfully I found some clothes for Logan out here so he has himself some fancy long pants and shirts.

Can I just say that this kid is into EVERYTHING. He is a little trouble maker. A cute trouble maker but one for sure. Whenever I take my eyes off of him for a second I suddenly hear crashes in the other room because he is into the cupboard pulling out all of my nice clean pans. Decided we needed to put a rubber band (tacky I know) around the handles of the cupboards under the sink because that's where I keep the cleaners and it turned out that after the pan cupboard, under the sink was his favorite to climb into.

I sure do love my little guy. I can't believe he is 9 months old today.... That's as long as I was pregnant with him (which seemed to go on FOREVER. This went by to fast) He's starting to stand by himself. He can do it but then falls when he realizes I'm no longer holding onto him. I love this little boy. He's starting to throw a ball and we play catch. Maybe He'll play baseball one day. He seems to love it and will watch the O's play. He also likes football and throwing things. Don't you just love my lil blonde hair blue eyed boy? I smile everytime I look at him. He reminds me of home.
Happy 9 months logan!

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