

So as many of you know I have been working. It feels like A LOT lately. The thing about work is that we are on a "skeleton crew" meaning that if someone wants a day off there is only one other person to cover for them. So, ontop of working Wednesday mornings and Friday nights, I have had to work the past Friday mornings as well AND Saturday nights. It's so hard to be away from Logan. I Love the little guy so much. Thank goodness Spencer is usually home and I have amazing friends and family who help me out. I enjoy work but I'm pretty sure that I don't want to do it the rest of my life. I really want to be a stay at home mom with my kids. I guess you do what you have to. I just keep thinking that the more money we save up this summer the more money we will have for when we move so I won't have to work. Spencer is probably going to have to work while he's in school. I feel bad but it's what we're going to have to do. I will NOT be leaving Logan with someone who I don't know crazy well and I'm not going to put him in a daycare either. I just keep telling myself that we're going to get it all figured out and it's all going to work out just fine. Thank goodness my job doesn't make me go crazy and I actually enjoy what I like for the most part.

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