
what a nice day!

Today has been Awesome! Spencer got home from work at about 1:00 this afternoon and it was such an amazingly beautiful day so we decided to go on a walk to do all of our errands. We walked down to Angie's first. (for those of you who aren't Loganites Angie's is an awesome resturant (It's where the Locals eat ;) ) So we had a nice lunch and then headed out once again. From Lunch we walked down to K-mart and checked Spencer's schedule, bought sunglasses and fed baby Logan. From K-mart we walked up to Lee's and got a few groceries and then headed home. Overall it took us about 3 and a half hours. it was so nice. The only problem was our feet started hurting the last mile of our journey and I got a few blisters but it was worth it! Logan was an angel as usual and we had a blast talking and getting some exercise. We also saw a Muskrat! yes, odd to be excited about it but it was pretty cool and I thought it was kinda cute.

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