

We went to JC Penny's today to get some pictures in Logan's blessing outfit. He did so great... until 15 minutes in. Then he got overly tired and we couldn't get him to smile and laugh anymore. The pictures turned out SO cute! I am very glad that we got them done and can't wait to see the portraits. We had two outfits and thankfully we did the blessing outfit first because when we changed him into his Utah Jazz outfit, he was done haha. It's okay though. We are just glad that he lasted as long as he did and we got some pictures with his infectious smile :)


Rolling Over

Lately Logan has been trying and trying and trying to roll over. He just can't quite make it over so the other day I decided to give him a little help.

That was as far as he could get. So... naturally I gave him a little nudge to help the rest of the way.

And! when he finally got over, he was SO proud of himself.

Can't you see the look of accomplishment on his adorable lil' face?! He loves pretending like he is older than he really is. It was kinda sad tho when I stopped pushing him over because I had to get dinner and he would try to roll over and just couldn't make it so he would get frustrated and start whimpering but the second I rolled him over again he was all smiles. WE COULDN'T WAIT TO SHOW DADDY! :)
I also wish I had a picture of this, but Logan has started blowing raspberries. It's so cute! especially when you do them to him and then he does it back. Such a smart lil guy we have :)



So as many of you know I have been working. It feels like A LOT lately. The thing about work is that we are on a "skeleton crew" meaning that if someone wants a day off there is only one other person to cover for them. So, ontop of working Wednesday mornings and Friday nights, I have had to work the past Friday mornings as well AND Saturday nights. It's so hard to be away from Logan. I Love the little guy so much. Thank goodness Spencer is usually home and I have amazing friends and family who help me out. I enjoy work but I'm pretty sure that I don't want to do it the rest of my life. I really want to be a stay at home mom with my kids. I guess you do what you have to. I just keep thinking that the more money we save up this summer the more money we will have for when we move so I won't have to work. Spencer is probably going to have to work while he's in school. I feel bad but it's what we're going to have to do. I will NOT be leaving Logan with someone who I don't know crazy well and I'm not going to put him in a daycare either. I just keep telling myself that we're going to get it all figured out and it's all going to work out just fine. Thank goodness my job doesn't make me go crazy and I actually enjoy what I like for the most part.


what a nice day!

Today has been Awesome! Spencer got home from work at about 1:00 this afternoon and it was such an amazingly beautiful day so we decided to go on a walk to do all of our errands. We walked down to Angie's first. (for those of you who aren't Loganites Angie's is an awesome resturant (It's where the Locals eat ;) ) So we had a nice lunch and then headed out once again. From Lunch we walked down to K-mart and checked Spencer's schedule, bought sunglasses and fed baby Logan. From K-mart we walked up to Lee's and got a few groceries and then headed home. Overall it took us about 3 and a half hours. it was so nice. The only problem was our feet started hurting the last mile of our journey and I got a few blisters but it was worth it! Logan was an angel as usual and we had a blast talking and getting some exercise. We also saw a Muskrat! yes, odd to be excited about it but it was pretty cool and I thought it was kinda cute.



So, a lot has happened lately. We blessed Logan which went amazing! (he didn't even cry like I was nervous he would) And it's not like he's a bad baby. Not at all!! He rarely cries except when he needs something. But, you know, it's always how it happens. They do what you least want when you need them to do something else. He is such a great child tho. (and thank goodness with me doing school and work).
Speaking of which, I'm back to work. oh, I didn't tell you? yah i started back up in February on the third. (as if i didn't have enough on my plate with school and being a full time mom) It's been alright going back to work but man it's a lot of work. It's not bad when Spencer is around to help but when he's gone, I have to do everything. This past weekend Spencer left for a siblings day. (now don't get me wrong, I think it's great. Just making sure that y'all don't think I have a problem with it cause I don't.) The siblings day couldn't have come at a harder time for me. We have our work schedules figured out with having at least one of us home to watch Logan while the other is away. Well it was the Friday before we blessed Logan and I still had to go to work. Luckily! I was able to find a baby sitter at the last minute. Not only that but I had to try and get everything together for the baby blessing on my own as well. Thank goodness my family came and helped me. Spencer did what he could but he got home at 4:45 from his families and had to work from 5-10:30 so he was exhausted when he got home. (I know it was convenient for Spencers family to have it on that Friday and Saturday because that's when everyone would be up from their far away homes.) So to sum up, It's crazy when Spencer has to leave for whatever reason. (another one is when he leaves for a few days to go interview.)
Logan is getting SO big. he is about 14 lbs now and in 3-6/6 month clothes. It's not that he's necessarily chunky either. He's just super Long (as if we didn't know that when he was born) pretty skinny in the midsection so we still have to roll his pants to keep them up and his legs and arms are pretty built. Not only that but his hands and feet are HUGE! Also, I think he's got Spencers neck. I love his little rolls on his neck. only problem is that they are crazy hard to clean. (sorry logan, that's why i'm constantly picking fuzzies out from under your chin. )
I've also got my BFA show coming up which is my senior art show f.y.i. So i've been having a heck of a time trying to get stuff ready for that. (yes, i am also cramming in painting time (which is at least 3 hr. blocks) between school, work, and being a mom) I'm hoping and praying that everything gets finished in time.
Needless to say, THANK YOU FOR ALL WHO HELP ME OUT AND BABYSIT FOR ME!!! I seriously couldn't do it without all of you. (Spencer you are included in this as well)
Also, We signed our lease agreement today stating that we will be out of our apartment on May 15, 2012. We will be moving in with my parents until we move out to go to school *which has also been a bit confusing now as well, i will state why in a bit* I'm actually really excited. It's become more exciting is what I should say. I was nervous about moving in and losing "our own space" but! the perks: save money (A LOT OF MONEY), time with family, and we will be able to learn a little more about meal planning. We will still be commuting up to Logan for our jobs cause, lets face it, no one is going to hire a couple of college grads for the summer when they will be moving in a few months. Also, We are hoping that my brother moves back up from St. George. It would be nice to be together for a little bit longer. I am worried how we are going to maneuver our stuff back into my parents house cause their basement isn't done and the room we have is my old room. It will be good tho.
*now onto the school stuff*
so we put down our deposit for baltimore maryland and that night spencer gets an interview for Colorado. COLORADO! so we are trying for it. We will have to pray but man it's a lot closer. HOWEVER! I am keeping an open mind because when it comes to this, it's all about the school and the experience and education that the school provides no matter where it's located. So we will see what happens. Now i think i will add some pictures so you can see what has been happening. (p.s. i also dyed my hair brown and i really like it. I love being blond but I love changing my hair. The only type of change i like.)


Life is moving on

Well, it's officially official. We are going to be moving to Baltimore Maryland for Pharmacy school. I have to admit that i'm not one hundred percent thrilled. I really don't have much of a choice. I told Spencer that I would go wherever we were lucky enough to get into. It's not that I don't want to go to Baltimore but it's more along the line of i'm scared of being alone out there with just Spencer and Logan. I will love the time i have to just be with them but i'm scared of what if something happens with my family while we're out there, what if something happens to us, what are we going to do? not only that but it's 4 years away from my family that i will never get back. not only that but i dont know anybody.