

Yah, I couldn't think of a title for this post so I just wrote what was on my mind. Logan and I went to the pool today, again. I think I got a little reddish (not burned, just... tender) and also left with a rash (chlorine?) who knows or maybe it's from the sun. I finally figured out how to still get me time in the sun and have a great time with Logan. So, I go on a walk with Logan almost around the time he naps so he falls asleep in the stroller. I don't go to far from home on the walk so that the second he shuts those eyes I book it for home, change into my swim suit, grab the towels, floaty, sunscreen, swim diapers, flip flops, keys and of course, a book for myself. Today, the book was Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball. I read it when I was in high school and decided it was about time I read it again. I made it to the pool, checked in and found an open lounge chair where I could strategically place the stroller as to not have Logan in the sun. I spread my towel out, took off my shorts and tank top (I was wearing a swimsuit... promise) and settled down for some "me" time by the pool. It was great... Logan was sleeping, the sun was shining, there was a soft breeze (not to hot, not to cold), a good book, sounds pretty great right? Oh, it was. Other than the young child and his teenage(?) sister who was at the pool. The little boy was fine but of course the girl had to have her giant blowup floaty (Not Allowed (sorry, pet peeve) (yes, I'm one of those people)). Not only was she one of those people who wish to be in the pool and not get wet, but she is also the person who has to call her mother, on speaker phone, to complain about her brother. "Ma, (insert name here) keeps splashing. He drug me to da poool and i candt afford da get more tanner. He can but I candt. Tell him ma that its time ta ged owt." (Inaudible answer due to my location to the speaker on the phone. You know, that annoying place where you're to close to where you can hear the person speaking but not close enough to be able to eavesdrop on the entire conversation) Yah, it went on like that for a while. Thankfully a near parked car's car alarm went off right in the middle of it. Logan did wake up. Really surprised me. Anyway, it was nice when all that went away and I could just focus on my book for the next hour till Logan woke up. We had a great time in the pool. He is starting to want to be out of his floaty more than in it and he is very stubborn when he knows what he wants. He had a blast walking back and forth on the stairs and I of course had a great time walking back and forth with him (making sure not to hold his hand because he wouldn't have that) and just waiting for him to trip and go under and DROWN! Didn't happen of course and he did really well. He keeps getting more brave with water. Can't tell if that's good or bad for his age since he already is VERY brave with it. Yah, that lasted for another hour and thankfully, it wore him out enough that he went to sleep a half hour early tonight. 
I can't believe how big he is. He use to be so little. I mean, I birthed this kid. He use to make me so tired that I would wake up in the middle of the night when he would cry and thinking I was feeding him would realize after who knows how long that I was instead attempting to breast feed a pillow. Now, he just makes me tired in the middle of the day and... oh I don't even know what crazy stuff I do anymore. I feel like my brain is constantly running and tripping over its self. Anyway, that was my day. Pretty good. OH! I was growing peas... because I'm a farm girl and I wanted fresh peas... yah, the plants seem to have gone rotten. Joy... Oh well, Frozen peas for me then. :) Worth a try. 
Now to leave you with a smile.

Yah, I'm kinda into Parks and Rec right now.


  1. Did you really try to nurse a pillow?? That literally had me laughing out loud! That is so funny! Kids sure are fun!

    1. I really did! Embarrassing to say, it happened way to often.
