

Sometimes life isn't what you think it's going to be. Life happens. We've all heard that slogan right? Well it's true. Life does happen. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst. The important thing to remember is who you are. But who are you? Who am I? That's something I think I will forever be discovering. That big cliché question of "Who am I?". Well, I am Colette Heslop. Recently Banks. I have a son whom I love very much. I'm graduating Magna Cum Laude in Drawing and Painting blah blah blah does it all really tell who I am? I don't think it does. I think it says what I am. A wife, mother and student. Yah that's all great but I feel like it's only sometimes I get the clear view of who I really am. I have all of these hopes and dreams too. Yes for those of you reading this I know it's a VERY cheesy one. So here are some of my crazy dreams that are probably, most likely, going to never happen. 1. Pack my bags and travel the world by showing up at the air port and picking a random place, staying there for a little bit and then doing the same thing until I eventually wind back up in Utah. 2. Spend a year traveling through Europe and seeing all the art I've spent YEARS learning about. (kinda goes along with number 1 but doesn't have to) 3. Sing on an album. I had the opportunity when I was in high school but my mom didn't let me because she didn't trust the people doing it. (yes, she's overprotective but a great mom) 4. Go to the game when the Jazz are in the NBA finals. (because lets face it, it's gonna happen people) 5. Oddly enough I would like to go skinny dipping (no it's not a dream this is more of a I'd like to try it sometime) It's never going to happen tho because I am not confident enough nor brave enough. Also, slightly more modest then what skinny dipping asks for. 6. This goes along with number 5, I would really like to feel good about my body. I've always been self conscious and it will probably never change but that's okay. 7. I would love to own a ranch. A house, reasonably sized on 500 acres of rugged land that I can have my animals graze on while I paint on the front porch. That's another thing. 8. I want to plien air paint in Paris. AND have someone pay me right off the street for my painting. 9. I want to get all dolled up in a super fancy dress I can't afford and a fur stole and be greeted at the door by a ruggedly handsome man with a dozen red roses to go and see a play, opera, or ballet. 10. I would like to write a book. A book that can change people's lives or at least give them a good read. And finally for tonight 11. I want to grow old with the man I love. Have a sit down at a resturant when we're 70 years old on the same side of the booth and hold hands and share a soda. I want that kind of love. I think this kinda tells a little bit of who I am. It's helped me a little. Well, Goodnight world. Until next time.

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