

Ok so i apologize in advance to my family as i'm about to be living at the art building 24/7 for the next 2 weeks. I have 3 more paintings i HAVE to do. I also have a 3ft. by 5ft woodcut suicide final. for those of you who don't know what a suicide print is: you cut away the parts you want white on your print, print and continue doing this with continually cutting away more and more and printing different colors on top of colors using the same board (hence the suicide print name, one you cut it away and print, you can't go back and change it) So needless to say i have only 2 of the 5 layers done so i'm gonna need to get busy.
I graduate in 2 weeks! oh my goodness oh my goodness!!! we Picked up some aggie gear for logan today to wear in some family graduation pictures. I AM SO EXCITED!!!! it's gonna be awesome. Also, our move back to my parents home is coming up.... I have to admit that i am excited. just sad to be leaving logan. (not our son, just the city lol) I was thinking about it the other day, we might NEVER be coming back to logan. It really made me sad. I count this as our city, our home. I look forward to the new beginings and adventures but still. I love Logan. There is no city better. (tati: i now know what you mean. Logan is the promised land). So there is a quick view into our life at the moment now to get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. It really IS the promised land, isn't it?? Haha. Hope your graduation pics turn out awesome! Lmk when you walk. Hopefully we can make it!
