
Hon, I've a Feeling We Aren't In a Singles Ward Anymore

Since it was Christmas vacation the majority of our neighbors are visiting family. Therefore, we had no clue where our ward met nor at what time. We ended up going with our married friends to their ward. From the second we walked into the chapel and we sat down on the crayon marked benches I knew we weren't in the singles ward anymore. The meeting went on as any other meeting and then came the sacrament. In a singles ward, It's dead quiet. Everyone is bowing their heads, have their eyes closed, or are reading their scriptures. Not in a Married Ward. The sacrament was broken up with sudden outbursts from the various babies throughout the chapel and NO ONE with kids had their eyes closed or had their scriptures open probably in the fear that if they closed their eyes who knows what might happen with their kid and if they had their scriptures open the precious pages might not make it the remainder of the meeting. Even with all this, the spirit was still strong and continued to be through all of the testimonies that followed.
Another thing about married wards is that instead of saying, "I'm so grateful for my roommates and my wonderful friends", it's suddenly changed to, "I'm so grateful for my spouse and my son and/or daughter. They bring such a joy to my life". It's not a bad thing.... just a shock after you're so use to hearing about roommates and suddenly there is babies everywhere!!! Still, it was a great experience and I really enjoyed this new change :D

Yeah for the DI!!!!!

Every LDS member in Utah knows about the DI. The DI is the place for second hand items from families who have donated them or sometimes new things from stores when they change their merchandise. You don't have to be LDS to shop at the DI in case you're wondering.
I've decided that the DI is a newly weds gold. Me and my husband had been looking EVERYWHERE for a TV stand or dresser for our TV, basically anything to give us more storage. The problem was, it had to be a certain height so as to not cover the light switch if the length was longer then the length to the light switch. (Our apartment is really small and there is only one place for the TV to plug in) So after searching everywhere and realizing that the price was on average 100$ for a good stable dresser. We had planned on going to the DI to see if we could find one that we could even fix up (because we all know that the DI is a hit or miss situation). When we arrived at the DI, I was worried because the place was packed. It was easy to see why. Since it was right after christmas people had donated many things to get rid of the old and make way for the new. We found a few dressers that we like, each one around 40$ but the drawers would need help, it would need a new coat of paint, and one even needed new handles. (which was fine, we were prepared for a project) We were just about to choose one when my husband says, "hey what about this one?" we had been looking just for a tall dresser with drawers. we didn't even think to look at coffee tables. The one my husband had pointed out was a low coffee table open on both sides with two cupboard doors on either side. (one we wouldn't be able to use because we needed it against the wall) It was perfect tho!!!!! It looked like new, didn't need any fixing up! a great color! and it fit all of our game systems, VCR/DVD player and TV!!!!! We bought it for 35$!!!!!!!!! WHAT A GREAT FIND!!!!!


Happy New Year!!!!

We moved into our new place on December 31st, 2009. Although we aren't all the way moved in, our home is all ready coming along wonderfully!!! Last night we went out to eat for our new years eve outing and then we unpacked all of our wedding gifts. I, of course, managed to get sick with an ear ache and sore throat. I felt like I had ruined our first new years eve. We had plans to hang out with our friend (whom I've been friends with since kindergarten and my husband was neighbors with last year) which I had to cancel at the last minute. Luckily it turned out great. Even though I was sick, I got to snuggle on my own couch with my new husband, drink sparkling cider, and watch Lilo and Stitch to welcome in the new year. It was wonderful!
Today we worked mostly on returning wedding gifts. The greatest thing that happened was when we found where some cup cake pans went that we have been trying to return since November. YES!!!