
Then and Now

My parents i found out. Were praying so hard that i would find someone else. Anyone, to come into my life and show me how beautiful i am, how wonderful life is and how great things are. They weren't praying for a man in particular. Just anyone to help me. 
That's when I met Spencer. I had seen him quite a few times before. Although he doesn't remember he actually did talk to me and I to him. I was somewhat quiet and I guess never really stood out much. 
My parents call Spencer an answer to their prayers. I don't know how or why he found me when he did. Although at first I thought it was the most inconvenient time. It turned out to be the best time. He has made me feel so beautiful. So worth every minute of time. He shows me what my potential really is. He makes me breakfast and teaches me to cook fajitas. He surprises me with flowers. He is the answer to my whole families prayers, my friends prayers and my silent ones. 
I believe everything happens for a reason. I have no doubt that him leaving and Spencer coming into my life around the same time was suppose to happen. When I called and talked to my mom about Spencer and what was going on it was the first time that her and I had talked in nearly 2 years that didn't end with us getting into an argument. 
She told me that she got off the phone and started crying because she was so happy. My family is so thankful for this man who has entered into my life as am I. We always will be grateful to Spencer. 
I love Spencer. He means everything to me. We are so grateful. I love him so much. He has shown me what real love can be and is. 


  1. What a dick. Colette, you just tell me when and where, and I'll kick the living trash out of that guy. I'm so fired up right now after reading that. I guarantee Spence would never do ANY of that to you. (And even if he did, our family would back you up--but it'd never happen). Man, I need to punch something right now. I better put my baby down. lol.

    I'm glad you got out of that. He sounds manipulative and abusive. You deserve way better.

    :) Can't wait to see you again! :)

  2. Hey Colette:
    I'm grateful that piece of garbage is not with you anymore! I am grateful, however, that you and Spence crossed paths. You really make him happy, he even seems to be a different person now days.
    Anyway, it was awesome to meet you a couple of weeks ago and also your folks and bro. last week. We need to get together some time and have some fun, maybe riding the ATVs or some other kind of fun gig. Take care, and hopefully we'll see you soon.

  3. Anonymous20.5.09

    Aww, how sweet are you? I totally know where you've been cuz I once dated a guy like that. Why do we get so blind? Who knows? But Heavenly Father does listen to our prayers. I met the most amazing man myself! YOu're a sweetheart. I'm glad you make my little brother so happy. I've never seen him like this before.
