
the perfect life

I have come to the conclusion that absolutely nothing works out perfectly. Always something tends to go wrong even in a little small way. HOWEVER!!!! no matter how bad things get they can always get worse and i've decided that you have to make the most out of everyday because you never know if it's going to be your last. who knows if tomorrow will be the day you die? who knows if tomorrow brings the death of someone else? so i say stand up tall, tell people how you feel, remember the good and forget the bad! who knows if the time you say i love you is the last time? or what if you never get to say i'm sorry? So stop waiting, stop trying to forget and actually embrace the mistakes of the past and get over them! so here is to all you! I LOVE YOU ALL AND IF I'VE SAID ANYTHING WRONG TO HURT ANY OF YOU I'M SORRY!!! 

1 comment:

  1. You haven't! Haha I was gonna die angry at you though because you don't update your blog as often as I'd like, but now you've made me happy :)
